

If unqualified and interested in working for Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) the Scholarship program is a significant training to employment pathway designed to meet the growing needs of new security professionals in the industry. This unique program offers pathway to employment with OWS Security Australia’s leading provider of security services. If a person can fulfil the necessary criteria, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability or sexuality, we will welcome them to OWS Security. A diverse workforce creates competitive advantage and maximises the talent, potential and contribution of all OWS Security’s employees.

To maintain our diverse workforce, OWS Security has established a culture of respect and inclusion for all. It is best summed up in our Code of Ethics: “We are committed to providing our employees with a workplace that is free from known safety and health hazards, and a work environment free from discrimination, harassment or personal behaviour not conductive to a productive work climate.”

This commitment is furthered by our Cultural Awareness and Diversity in the Workplace training course that all employees must complete at induction and as an annual refresher.

The course stresses the need for all employees to interact sensitively and communicate effectively with everyone in the workplace. It incorporates:

  • Communication skills
  • Overcoming the barriers to a diverse workplace
  • Interacting effectively with different cultures
  • The relevance of discrimination, bullying and harassment
  • A section on reporting and resolution of grievances

OWS Security is committed to complying with the letter and spirit of the relevant Commonwealth, state and territory equal employment opportunity legislation by using non-discriminatory management practices and policies, and we require all employees and contractors to treat each other with respect, fairness and courtesy in the workplace. Any employee who breaches this policy is subject to disciplinary action, which may result in their employment being terminated.

Women and Indigenous Australian’s are two communities that OWS Security is actively trying to attract, and we have worked hard to make our workplaces more appealing to them.

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