
Privacy Policy

This statement and the policy outlined herein are not intended to and do not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party.


This privacy policy explains the privacy practices of Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) and their owned or related group entities (as applicable) (“Owl Watch Security Services (OWS)”, “we”, “us”, and “our”).

Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) is committed to protecting any personal data that we have collected from you and respecting your privacy. As we want you to be confident that your personal data is safe and processed in accordance with your consent, we have adopted this Privacy Policy to let you know:

  • How we collect, and the purpose for collecting, personal data;
  • What we do with personal data;
  • The reasons for sharing personal data with other companies;
  • How long we’ll keep personal data; and
  • The rights and choices you have with regards to your personal data.Your provision of your Personal Data to us is voluntary. However, if you elect not to provide certain Personal Data, you may be unable to use the Service and we may be unable to provide the information or services that you have requested.

    If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy and/or any other data protection queries relating to Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) please contact info@owlwatchservices.com.

    How we use your information

    This privacy policy applies to information we collect about:

  • Visitors to our website
  • People who interact with us on social media
  • Subscription to our marketing communications
  • Contacts who provide details at exhibitions, conferences and other marketing events
  • Collection of information via surveys
  • Provide services to our clients
  • Our client’s customers who use our services
  • People that apply for a position at Owl Watch Security Services (OWS)

    Changes to our Privacy Policy

    From time to time, we may update this privacy policy to reflect new or different privacy practices.

    We will place a notice online when we make material changes to this privacy policy so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we disclose it. Please ensure that you read this privacy policy regularly.

    You might find external links to third party websites on our application. This privacy policy does not apply to your use of a third party site.

    Visitors to our website

    When someone visits owlwatchservices.com (or related Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) websites), we will use third party services (cookies) to track activity, this enables us to understand how we can improve our website to make it more relevant to our visitors.

    To understand more about how Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) uses cookies, go to Use of cookies.

    Completion of forms on our website

    From time to time we collect very basic personal information through forms on our website to better define services offered by us, and to ensure that the advice and guidance is appropriate to your needs. On these forms we typically collect;

  • Name
  • Contact Number
  • Email Address
  • Job Role
  • Organisation Name
  • Country
  • Industry
  • Solution InterestAt the time of completing the online requests for personal information you will be informed as to the purpose of data collection.

    The data provided in the forms is stored in the Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) CRM, Marketing Automation Tool and the Website Content Management Tool. The data collected will be provided to a third party partner, if the enquiry actually needs to be managed by them.

    People that interact with us through social media

    Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) uses social media platforms to engage with the community.

    The social media platforms (LinkedIn and Twitter), will provide basic information on the number of followers and level of engagement. No further details are provided, unless a user has identified themselves as an individual (by posting a message), in which time only information that they have shared either via the message or on their public profile will be shared.

    If the user is a contact within the marketing automation tool (because they are a customer or have previously contacted Owl Watch Security Services (OWS)), the marketing automation tool will also track that the user has visited our social media pages.

    Location Based Services

    Certain Services require details of your location (for example, in order to provide you with local weather information). Depending on your browser and mobile device settings, we may receive this information automatically or following a request which you accept. We may share this data with certain third parties in order to provide these location based services. If you elect to disable location based services, you may not be able to use some or all of the features of the relevant Service.

    Accessing the Application using our App

    If you are a user of the Service pursuant to a Contract you may use our app to access the application and the Service. By registering a mobile device in order to access the application and the Service via our app, we will collect information about your device’s Operating System (OS) version, manufacturer, model, and carrier. This information is used for the duration of your session and is not stored by us.


    Please provide accurate Personal Data and update it as necessary in the manner specified below. In the absence of any updates, we will assume that the Personal Data submitted is correct.


    We recognise the need and take reasonable steps to ensure that Personal Data we have collected remains secure. While we have security measures in place as required by the Contract and at law in order to protect against the loss, misuse, alteration of and unauthorised access to Personal Data under our control, you acknowledge that there remains a risk that Personal Data transmitted over the internet and stored by computer may be intercepted or accessed by an unauthorised third party.

    Subscription to Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) Marketing Communications

    Owl Watch Security Services Clients

    Clients of Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) will receive relevant communications from Owl Watch Security Services (OWS). This will include Product Updates, Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) Updates and invitations to Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) Events. The communications are typically sent via email.

    A client can Unsubscribe from receiving these email communications by following the instructions included in every email received via the “Unsubscribe” tab.

    Please note, regardless of your communication settings, we will continue to communicate with you regarding changes to terms and conditions, policy updates and routine customer service messages.

    Please note that if you stop being a Client of Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) we will retain your data and you will continue to receive these updates, unless you Unsubscribe or Exercise your Right to access, amend or delete in line with our Data Retention Policy.


    Contacts can subscribe to receive marketing communications, including Product Updates, Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) Updates and invitations to Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) Events.

    A user can subscribe via any of the below methods;

  • By completing the Subscribe form on the Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) website
  • By completing a Request a Demo form on the Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) website and selecting to receive marketing communications
  • By completing the Contact Us form on the Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) website and selecting to receive marketing communications
  • Consent given to subscribe at an event. The way that this is captured will vary per event and will be outlined in the event specific policyAt the time of subscription the following details are typically collected;
  • Name
  • Email address
  • Company
  • Country
  • Job Title
  • IndustryA contact can Unsubscribe from receiving these email communications by following the instructions included in every email received via the “Unsubscribe” tab.

    Contacts who provide details at our events

    Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) will collect information on people that attend our own or sponsored events, visit our stand or enter a competition at an event.

    Collection of information via surveys

    From time to time Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) will conduct surveys. Contacts are invited to complete the survey either via email, or from the Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) website.

    From time to time we will use a third party survey tool. This is solely for the purpose of conducting the survey and analysing results. Your personal data will not be passed to a third party for marketing purposes.

    Provide services to our clients

    In order to deliver services to our clients, we store a range of details for different contacts within the organisation. Personal details collected typically include;

  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Job Title
  • Job Function
  • Postal addressIn addition, Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) will store copies of correspondence relevant to providing the service, for example support notifications and product maintenance updates.

    All data is stored within Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) systems and is not shared with, but may be hosted by third parties, with the exception of when we need to instruct a third party to deliver a physical item

    such as a piece of hardware or document to a contact. At this time, only required information will be shared including;

  • Name
  • Company Name
  • Postal Address
  • Job Title
  • Telephone number
  • Email addressAll third parties used by Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) use the data provided solely for the provision of delivering the service and are bound by the Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) Non-disclosure Agreement.

    Our client’s customers who use our services

    In order to provide services to our clients, we may capture personal data relating to their consumers and store that data on behalf of our clients. Any processing of this personal data is undertaken on the instruction of our client.

    The data collected typically includes;

  • Name
  • Credit card and banking data
  • Vehicle information
  • Loyalty membership details
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Address detailsThe data collected does vary per client. Consumers will need to review the privacy policy of the client that they are a customer of to understand how the client uses their data.

    Any personal data which is retained by Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) (as the data processor) as part of the associated services to the client will only be passed to any third party to either process financial transactions or if directed to do so by our client.

    If a consumer wants to exercise their Rights, they will need to contact the Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) client that they are a customer of or use the online service pages of the client (e.g. the clients Book-a-Bay page).

    People that apply for a position at Owl Watch Security Services (OWS)

    We will from time to time collate and be in receipt of résumés/curriculum vitaes from prospective employees and recruitment consultants.

    The data collected typically includes;

  • Name
  • Address
  • Salary expectations / Reward
  • Previous employment details
  • Education
  • ReferencesOur recruitment process is supported by professional recruitment services who will process personal information specifically for candidate selection and assessment. You may be required to complete a psychometric test as part of the recruitment process which will enable us to determine not only your suitability for the role but will be used to support your personal development thereafter. You are able to obtain a copy of the assessment, on request, regardless of whether you are successful. To obtain a copy, please contact the relevant

    recruiting manager at Owl Watch Security Services (OWS), either directly if you applied for the position directly, or via your recruitment consultant.

    If you are a successful candidate we will also request to collate the following as required by statutory requirements for employment in the region that you will be employed:

  • Evidence of Education
  • References
  • Police Check
  • Visa / Passport / Birth Certification – to verify your ‘right to work’ in the country of employment

    People that apply for a position at Owl Watch Security Services (OWS)

    We retain résumés / curriculum vitaes and contact details for up to 24 months if there is not an immediate opportunity available for you. At this point we will either delete the information or contact you to request consent to further retain your details if we believe that you remain a good fit for the company.

    Use of cookies

    Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) uses cookies to track activity on www.owlwatchservices.com, other Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) websites and digital engagement via social media or electronic direct mail. The tracking software is provided by Google Analytics and our Marketing Automation tool which use cookies to track visitor usage. The software will save a cookie to your computer’s hard drive in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website.

    Google analytics will not store, save or collect personal information.

    Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) Marketing Automation tool will store and save information provided (either by completing a web form, or just a track of activity against a contacts’ existing record) and integrates with contact details retained in the Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) CRM.

    Other cookies may be stored to an individual’s computer’s hard drive by external vendors where the website uses referral programs, sponsored links or adverts. Such cookies are used for conversion and referral tracking and typically expire after 30 days, though some may take longer.

    Right to inform, access, amend or delete

    An individual has a right under the relevant data privacy law to contact Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) at any time in writing to info@owlwatchservices.com to find out what information we have related to them and to request that their personal identifiable information be amended or deleted from our records.

    We will oblige the request unless:

  • There is a legal exemption applicable
  • There is a statutory requirement for us to retain the information for a specific period
  • By carrying out the request it will impede the service(s) provided.
  • After a record has been deleted, if a contact re-establishes communication with Owl Watch Security Services (OWS), their contact record will be treated as a new record.Right of access to Personal Data – you have a right to request that we provide you with a copy of your Personal Data that we hold and you have the right to be informed of;
  • The source of your Personal Data;
  • The purposes, legal basis and methods of processing;
  • The data controller’s identity; and (d) the entities or categories of entities to whom your Personal Data may be transferredRight to rectify or erase Personal Data – if you wish to delete, deactivate or amend the Personal Data, you have a right to request that we rectify inaccurate Personal Data. We may seek to verify the accuracy of the Personal Data before rectifying it.

    Right to complain

    An individual has the right to contact Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) at any time in writing to info@owlwatchservices.com to inform us of any actual or potential issues in the processing of the personal information.

    We will endeavour to manage the complaint and resolve any issues. If at this time the individual is dissatisfied with the outcome they may contact info@owlwatchservices.com

    If at this stage the individual is still not satisfied with the outcome, they should contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner https://www.oaic.gov.au/individuals/how-do-i-make-a-privacy-complaint, or equivalent body in your country of residence.

    Data Retention

    The length and time that Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) will retain your data, will depend on how we obtained your data and the purposes that your data is used.

    Data captured for marketing purposes

    Data captured for marketing (including sales) purposes, includes data captured from;

  • Visitors to our website
  • People who interact with us on social media
  • Subscription to our marketing communications
  • Contacts who provide details at our events
  • Collection of information via surveysThe data will be retained for a minimum period of three years, unless the contact exercises their right to be deleted within that period. This amount of time is required in order to ensure that the individual and Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) representatives are able to maintain communication, retain a record of previous communication and measure effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

    If there is no activity within the three year period, and the data is no longer required to deliver a service to the contact, the personal identifiable information will be deleted. Before the data is deleted, the contact will receive an email notifying them that there has been inactivity on their record and that Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) will delete their data, unless they request via clicking on a link, for Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) to retain their data.

    After the personal identifiable information has been deleted, if a contact re-establishes communication with Owl Watch Security Services (OWS), their contact record will be treated as a new record.

    Definition of activity

    Activity is classified as;

  • Visit to Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) website and the completion of any forms
  • Completion of a Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) survey
  • Click on Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) Marketing Communication or Support Notification email
  • Response to Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) Marketing Communication either via telephone, email or via website
  • Attendance at a Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) event
  • Contact with Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) Support, Sales or Account Management teams via telephone or email
  • Engagement via Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) social media platform (Twitter and LinkedIn)

    Contact details of our clients

    All contact details of our clients will be retained for the duration that the client remains an active customer of Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) and unless the contact exercises their right to be deleted.

    Once the client is no longer a customer of Owl Watch Security Services (OWS), all contact details will be marked as inactive.

    After a period of a maximum of three years and if there has been no activity with Owl Watch Security Services (OWS), the contact details will be deleted. This amount of time is required to enable Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) to retain a record of previous communication and measure effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

    Before the data is deleted, the contact will receive an email notifying them that there has been inactivity on their record and that Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) will delete their data, unless they request via clicking on a link, for Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) to retain their data.

    After a record has been deleted, if a contact re-establishes communication with Owl Watch Security Services (OWS), their contact record will be treated as a new record.

    Our client’s customers who use our services

    The data retention period for our clients’ customers will vary depending on the Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) service. All data is retained by Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) until either;

  • The to remove personal information of a customer
  • The client is no longer a customer of Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) and a period of 24 months has passed
  • Once the above has been actioned, all data will be deleted from Owl Watch Security Services (OWS) systems


We will not send you marketing material unless you or your Company has requested it and we will not sell your Personal Data to anyone, or otherwise disclose your Personal Data to any third party except as may be requested from time to time by your Company, as outlined in this privacy policy or as may otherwise be required or permitted by law.

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